Mid year review

If you have been walking this path with me for some time, you will be familiar with my ‘word of the year’ tradition. For 2022, I chose the word ‘challenge’. Little did I know back in January, about the surprises and bends this year will bring!

I always stop (just to catch my breath up) mid-year to briefly assess if I am on track with my goals or if I have drifted away as I don’t want to find out by December when it is too late to amend anything.

Out of the goals that I set myself to achieve at the beginning of the year I have been able to tick off one. Yes, you heard right, just one! But I am incredibly satisfied. Achieving this BFAHG (Big Fat and Hairy Goal) changed my whole business structure big time.

So the news is, I have so far accomplished way more than I set myself to do and you are a big part of this.

Having incredibly successful results at The Affordable Art Fair, turned my dream of starting up my gallery true. Yes, I am now officially registered as an Australian Gallery under the name MG & Co Art Gallery and you will start hearing about this venture as things develop.

I will go for a ‘soft’ delivery of the gallery plans until one day, I am able to physically show in a beautiful white cube and it will be because you have been walking this journey with me.

Having such a long name, I couldn’t afford to include it in the branding aspect of the gallery without risking it being called, anything but the name (yes is what happens to me: M, Marisa, Maribella, you name it). What I did want, was to have a name that included you all in it. A name that reminds me of how I was able to get here today and about all the beautiful people that has supported me on the way. Also, I wanted it to be an invitation to join this journey. I wanted the name to be about the community as well. For this reason, Marisabel Gonzalez and friends turned into MG and Co Art Gallery: my initials and yours!

The twist to this is also in what I will be presenting to you. Through the gallery artists and their work, you will be able to learn more about Latin-American culture and what we are about. Hopefully, at some point, your Spanglish and mine will improve on the way!

So, down the track, I will invite you to join the gallery mailing list if you are interested. Otherwise, you can stay focused on my work and adventures and that is also ok too! Stay tuned.

Because changing the business structure wasn’t enough, I also started a community project work this week and have to reformat my website, whilst getting ready for another art fair in a few weeks.

Maybe I should be more careful with the word I pick for 2023!

Is it ‘siesta’ time already?


INTENTION: My word for 2023


Tips to navigate and enjoy your visit to an art fair